
I remember that I came up with the idea to do an exchange program in Dublin the day that I was coming back from my first experience abroad. I had spent one month in New Zealand studying English and the day that I had come back from there was 24 July in 2017. So, I told my boyfriend that in one year we were going to be in Ireland. After he called me crazy because I wouldn’t be able to save all the money for that in one year, he believed me and agreed about this. So, here we are. Exactly one year later our airplane was landing in the Emerald Island.
Despite being everything new and the day that I stepped onto the airport I was a little bit anxious with what was going on, I was felling happy and my mind was open for new challenges. The first one was to find a house and learn how to live with people that you have never meet before.
Also, due to I am being a student and I needed to get my student VISA I had to learn about how to get that, like understanding immigration services, open a bank account and all the paper works.
Then, one more obstacle: Looking for a job. Wearing black cloths and walking around the city giving my CV and asking for an opportunity because I would like to practice my English more and of course, I had to pay my rent.
However, life is challenging, life is learning, isn’t it? During all this process I had my adaptation, such as in my school, in my job, in my house, on the street and social moments that I am having here, therefore all of that changed the person that I became. I have been growing up every single day living far from my home.
Although I have a lot to improve, I realized how my English skills are better than when I arrived here, apart from my grammar mistakes thought.
Also, my emotional intelligence has increased because I can understand people’s problems better and sometimes, they just want to be alone for a while. I used to think that I could save the world, but is that true?
Small situations like getting up for job in cold or rainy early mornings (almost every day in Ireland), showed me that I needed to save my world, to pay my bills and take care of myself and this is not about being selfish. Also, I’ve been learning how we must appreciate time, because here it flies, and you should enjoy as much as you can.
I achieved my dreams in Ireland, and I am learning how travelling makes me understand more about the world and mainly how this recovery my energy for keep going in my life project.
Also, I am learning how to deal with a word that has no translation “saudade”. Missing people is too hard for me but focus and self-motivation keep me in my path.
Finally, being a wanderluster is living day by day. Everything that you figure out, each experience that you have and people who you meet make you a new person. You will not change your essence perhaps the way that you see life and how you will settle your hardships are going to be different. So, never give up to dream, be open to the new, enjoy each opportunity and go beyond what people tell you to do.


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